Author's posts
Cabela’s MWC Announces Site of 2012 World Championship
February 16, 2011—MINNETONKA, MN—Anglers gearing up for the 2011 Cabela’s Masters Walleye Circuit season will soon be battling for a berth in the prestigious $100,000 Cabela’s World Walleye Championship. And they now know where the action will unfold: The 2012 Cabela’s World Walleye Championship will be held on Pools 9 and 10 of the Mississippi …
Cabela’s MWC Revises World Championship Qualifications
February 14, 2011—MINNETONKA, MN—Tapping its 27 years of experience on the tournament scene—and the insight of more than 1,000 hard-core walleye anglers within its ranks—the Cabela’s Masters Walleye Circuit continues its aggressive drive to improve the MWC.
MWC Partners With Walleye Federation
January 21, 2011—MINNETONKA, MN—Walleye anglers nationwide have a new ally in the fight to protect and promote the sport of walleye fishing, thanks in part to the Cabela’s Masters Walleye Circuit and its sponsor partners. The Cabela’s MWC, along with title sponsor Cabela’s have helped foster the creation of The Walleye Federation (TWF). A grassroots …
Cabela’s MWC Payouts Rich In Cash, Contingencies
January 21, 2011—MINNETONKA, MN—The Cabela’s Masters Walleye Circuit plans to give away more than $1 million in cash in 2011. Plus, a number of sponsors have added thousands of dollars in contingencies to the payout at each Cabela’s MWC tournament.